Website Applicant Tracking System
We are excited to announce an applicant tracking tool…at no cost to you! The applicant gateway is powered by Better Chains. It allows applicants to apply online for all of our locations on TeriyakiMadness.com. Add your location to our list and start receiving applicants by filling out the form completely.
Each position has screening questions which filter through applicants before they even reach your email. Once they apply, you will get an email with their contact info, resume (if they attach it) and answers to all the screening questions.
*Check your email for notifications from Betterchains Inc. (check spam!)
*As applicants begin to apply for your location you will receive email notifications.
*Review the information and treat the PDF attachment like an application.
Please contact your Better Chains Account Executive
Lisa Metzger-Dixon
310.935.0123 x502